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Having Trouble Booking Online?

Before reaching out, please read the following:

  • A card reservation is required for all new clients, including for vouchers. This is to ensure that reservations of the space and services are treated with courtesy. Please continue for more information:
    • Your information is processed by Stripe Payment Processing and will not place charges on your account at the time of booking if you have selected "Reserve Without Paying".
    • Stripe is a secure payment processor that handles payments with vigilant security; you are at no greater risk of fraud by inputting your information with them online as you are when swiping your card at a grocery store.
    • Your information can be purged at your request at any time, but must be present for reservations to remain valid.
    • Emerald Spring not only WILL NOT, but CANNOT place any charges on your account unless the cancellation policies are neglectfully violated (meaning, unexcused) or if you wish to use the card to tip or to provide payment for non-voucher appointments at the time of service.
    • Due to the significance of the improvements achieved since the implementation of this policy, no further exceptions will be made.
    • Vouchers remain valid until the time of redemption or expiration, regardless of any missed appointments.
  • Voucher codes should not be input through the green Redeem Coupon/Package/Gift button, but input in the intake form.
    • Groupon is a 3rd party that compensates the business at the time of redemption. Because of this, their codes are unknown to Emerald Spring's system and thus cannot make any changes to how your a​ppointment looks. 
    • Please ensure that you are at if you are booking Reflexology with a Groupon or if you are booking a Massage with a Groupon. Your appointment may be invalid otherwise.
  • Please double check that your appointment time is still available if you were unable to successfully confirm your appointment.
    • On extremely rare occasions, your desired appointment time may be blocked off while you are still in the process of booking your appointment. Please exit your window and try again. If your desired appointment time is no longer visible, this may be the reason. Please pick another appointment time before reaching out to further remedy.

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